
She ran and ran and ran. Susan's heart wouldn't let her stop and neither would her mind because he might be behind her, ready to visciously take her again, whether she liked it or not. That made no difference, or perhaps he prefered it if she didn't like it, if she cried and screamed and fought back, scratched and bit in her attempts at defence, her attempts to maintain her dignity.

As he thought about it he realised that that was it, that was what he strived for, that was his personal turn-on. Up until this point it had been quite natural for him to operate in this way, to quietly follow a woman, or a girl for that matter, when she turned off the road and walked away from the bright lights, further and further into the darkness, further and further from anyone that could come to her rescue and take away from him what he wanted.

It had just happened as usual with Susan, without any "Yes please" or any "love you" or  "I want you", she'd never met him before. No, she had been out late, very late she felt, it was after midnight when she turned off the main road and made her way up the narrow path to her home that she shared with her mother, her father having passed away when she was a child, killed in a road accident.

He had been out for a couple of beers and a game of pool with his work-mates. He had left late and walked slowly home. He was in no hurry, he lived alone, always had and tomorrow was Sunday so he was in no rush, after all he could lie in late tomorrow.

And then he noticed her, on the other side of the road, walking the same way as him, overtaking him as she wanted to get home quickly, to get out of any danger, to avoid any problems that might come her way.

When she passed him on the other side of the road he heard her foot steps, clicking and clacking as she made her way along as close to the shop fronts as possible so that she didn't stand out. He'd heard her though and looked around and spotted her, immediately noticing that although she was thin she had large breasts, certainly large for the rest of her body. He instantly took interest and started to cross the road, speeding up his step so that he didn't lose her.

All the time spent crossing the the road his eyes were on her, mostly on her ass, and by the time he got to the other side he was uncomfortable with a full-sized hard-on in his tight jeans. She didn't see him as a threat right away, after all, she didn't know him from Adam but she did speed up her step anyway.

That wasn't a problem for him though, he had long legs and keeping up with her was no problem. Catching up with her was no problem, he knew that, it had never been a problem with any of the girls that he'd raped before.

She sharply turned off the main drag, not wanting to spend any more time out than she had to, but knowing that there was still a half hours walk in front of her. As she got further from the main road it got darker and darker, as she knew it would. He was still behind her, about two steps back. Hopefully she told herself that he probably lived up the track, she didn't know everyone, people sold up, moved on and new people moved in. "That's it," she told herself, "he'll be new around here".

No street lights now, only a little moonlight to keep her on the track and she was running out of breath fast, still a good bit to go. He however was fit, a quick walk was no problem to him, he could walk twice as far and twice as fast without losing breath. And he still had the hard-on.

He put his arm out fast, his hand going straight over her mouth so that she could not cry out, no way she was going to be able to call out for help, to attract attention, to get help and stop what she knew was going to happen.

He dragged her off the track, into the bushes using only the hand over her mouth to do it. As soon as they were behind the first bush his left hand was on her left breast, feeling it roughly under her shirt as he thought to himself that he had a use for that hard-on after all.

He stopped her moving forward as she fought to get away from him but she was getting nowhere, she knew that he was going to have her whether she allowed him or not.

He pulled her as close to him as he could, his stiff cock rubbing hard against her ass as he ripped her blouse open and fondled her breasts harshly, first one, then the other, feeling her nipples and tweeking them hard.
There was no more time for it, he had to have her there and then. His hand went down to her short skirt, underneath it and grabbed her panties, ripping them off as soon as he could.

He forced his knees against hers, making her fall down but he kept ahold of her as he went down with her, both of them landing on their knees. He quickly undid his belt, undid the button at the top of his fly and opened the fly. As fast as he could he pulled out his cock, hard and ready and forced her legs apart, shoving his cock between her legs and up into her cunt. Her pussy was dry but he forced it in before he pulled it out. In, out, in, out as hard and fast as he could, her head pulled back by the hand that was over her mouth, so hard she could hardly breath at all.

Suddenly he shot his load, spurting cum up inside her, his spunk also dripping out of her pussy, running down her legs. He shoved his cock in and out a couple of times more until he was finished, it softened and fell out.
He felt good, rewarded, satisfied, both his hands on his hips, taking deep breaths.

And she took the chance to escape from him, up and running, running, running, as fast as she could, faster than she had ever run before, her heart and her mind not letting her stop or slow down.